Immortality? The Destiny of the “Spirit” of the Righteous at the Moment of Death


  • Adriani Milli Rodrigues


death, immortality, spirit, soul, eternal life, intermediate state.


A briefly and superficial reading of biblical texts regarding the death of the righteous, can open margin for different interpretations about its immediate destiny. For a group of researchers, that believes in the dualism of the human being, in the death of a believer, the immaterial soul remains in an unconscious state. In that same segment there are those who believe in a future resurrection of the body while others reject such idea. However, for the group that believes that the human nature is a radical unity, there is not a spiritual entity that survives death. Between these two groups, there are those who advocate that the individual resurrection occurs directly after the death of the righteous, while others believe in a future collective resurrection, implying an unconscious state endured by the righteous between death and resurrection. The present study deals with the subject analyzing words and ideas that are related to the human spirit from a biblical perspective and also from the perspective of the history of Christian theology.


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How to Cite

RODRIGUES, A. M. Immortality? The Destiny of the “Spirit” of the Righteous at the Moment of Death. Kerygma, Engenheiro coelho (SP), v. 2, n. 1, p. 56, 2006. Disponível em: Acesso em: 3 jul. 2024.



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