Yhwh creates evil: exegesis of Isaiah 45:7
God, Evil, Theodicy, Isaiah 45, 7, Exegesis.Abstract
The evident paradox between the existence of evil in contrast with God’s omniscience (Theodicy) is an issue of philosofical concern, but it is less shown in biblical studies. Perhaps, this may be because the Bible seems to hold another view instead of that usualy supported on behalf of God’s justice, as seen in Isaiah 45:7: “I make Peace, and create evil.” Through an exegetical analys of the text, this study senses that “evil” as created by God must be understood as physical (material) desaster but never moral. The idea of God as “Lord fo History” stresses the divine authority under earth events, eitheir good or evil, in exemple of Cyrus in 539 BC at the keytext. Finally, the text “[I] create the evil” points to the assurence of God’s final punishment against human evilness.Downloads
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