


Priestly blessing, Put, Name, Numbers, God


 The Priestly Blessing of Numbers 6:22-27 is one of the most beautiful passages of the Hebrew Bible, its final verse, however, concludes with an intriguing statement. In announcing to priests their duty to bless the Israelites, followed by the content of such blessing, the final declaration mentions that through these words and this action, the name of God would be placed upon the people. Understanding the meaning of this action, as well as its importance within the lexical-textual and cultural context for that time and, consequently, the theological implications for understanding the passage as the priestly blessing itself, is the purpose of this study. To do so, we sought to understand the meaning of the key expressions of the verse: "put," "name," and "bless." Aiming to understand the implications that this statement had for the priestly liturgical context and for the conception of blessing in the ancient world. So, we found that the blessing worked as a covenantal term between God and his people, marking a commitment to holiness and hope in a new reality.


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Author Biography

Wilian Silva Cardoso

Wilian Cardoso é bacharel em Teologia pela UNASP, possui mestrado em Teologia Bíblica pela FADBA e atualmente está cursando bacharelado em Filosofia pela Uninter. Trabalhou como professor de Sociologia e Filosofia no Instituto Adventista de Manaus e hoje atua pastor de igreja no interior do Amazonas. Suas áreas de interesse são: teologia, línguas antigas, hermenêutica e exegese bíblica, Antigo Testamento, filosofia e sociologia.


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How to Cite

CARDOSO, W. S. THE THE IMPOSITION OF GOD’S NAME: LEXICON-THEOLOGICAL IMPLICATIONS IN NUMBERS 6:27. Kerygma, Engenheiro coelho (SP), v. 14, n. 1, p. 66–81, 2019. DOI: 10.19141/1809-2454.kerygma.v14.n1.p66-81. Disponível em: Acesso em: 31 mar. 2025.