The glory of God and the eternal fire


  • Natal Gardino


eternal fire, glory, theophany, Shekhinah, character, holiness, judgement, destruction, vindication, sinner, burning


If in the Second Coming of Jesus, the resplendence of His glory destroys the wicked, why, after the Millennium, He does it again with the "eternal fire"? What is this "eternal fire"? How eternal is it? What is the meaning of the "lake of fire"? Do all these terms have any relationship? How God will vindicate His character by executing His judgements in the final day, after the Millennium, with the destruction of the wicked ones? This study searches to establish a relationship between the glory of God and the Judgement Scenes recorded in the Bible, and above all, the one related to the Final Judgement. In this research, the glory of God is presented as a "consuming fire" for sin and sinners as well, being in itself the cause of the destruction. Fallen humanity cannot stand God´s manifestation because of sin, in contrast to God´s holiness. As the Shekhinah, a visible manifestation of God´s glory, caused the destruction of many rebels in the desert, so will be with the Second Coming of Christ, before the Millennium, and specially so after it, when He will execute His Final Judgement.


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How to Cite

GARDINO, N. The glory of God and the eternal fire. Kerygma, Engenheiro coelho (SP), v. 1, n. 1, p. 56, 2005. Disponível em: Acesso em: 4 dec. 2024.



Jornada Bíblico Teológica