Torment of the Ungodly and Christ’s Suffering


  • José Miranda Rocha


Torment, hell, justice, suffering, soul, ungodly, third angel message.


Protestants and Catholics immortalists defend the position that the
torment of ungodly men, as prophetically depicted in Revelation 14:11, will
endure forever, what means that it will have the same length as the eternal life
of the righteous. Such a theological thinking, as exposed by scholars of these
Christian denominations, has cast doubts upon God’s just character and has
shaken the teaching concerning the everlasting joy of the redeemed. To study
such a matter is a pertinent question in order to clarify the fact that there other
Christians that do not suffer the same difficulties faced by the defenders of the
immortality of the soul, when they face the task of harmonizing their theological standpoint with the issues of justice and love, as attributes of God’s character.  Quite close to other Christians, including some scholars, the Seventh-day Adventists maintain a view contrary to the one held by the immortalists. The Adventists teach the annihilation of the ungodly as an act coherent with the justice of God and His goodness. All humankind has been included in the vicarious sacrifice of Christ when He experienced the second death for the Human race. Only will experience the torment of eternal death those human beings that will reject God’s provision of redemption in Christ, our substitute.


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How to Cite

ROCHA, J. M. Torment of the Ungodly and Christ’s Suffering. Kerygma, Engenheiro coelho (SP), v. 3, n. 2, p. 41–54, 2007. Disponível em: Acesso em: 3 jul. 2024.


