The unveiling of God's justice in Revelation 14: context, content and categorization
Revelation 14, Justice, Wrath, JudgmentAbstract
The theme of this article is the justice of God in Apocalypse 14. Thus, the objective is to understand the concept of divine justice, categorizing it according to its manifestation. For this purpose, bibliographic reviews and intertextual analyses were employed. The study was divided into three parts. The first part discussed the context in which Apocalypse 14 is situated. The second part focused on understanding the content that refers to God's justice within Apocalypse 14. Finally, the third part aimed at categorizing God's justice and how Apocalypse 14 relates to this categorization. Through studies involving the context, symbolism, and allusions in Apocalypse 14, it was possible to perceive that Apocalypse 14 reveals, in its scenes, God's governing, retributive, and rewarding justice toward all creatures in the Universe. These manifestations of God's justice help us understand that the Lord's purpose is to claim His Kingdom and vindicate His character.
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