Joseph Bates on atonement and salvation


  • Jean Carlos Zukowski


Joseph Bates, Salvation, Atonement.


This study analyzes the understanding of Joseph Bates, one of the main pioneers of movement the Seventh-day Adventist, on the doctrine of atonement in the plan of salvation. All his theology is consigned in a prophetic schema that makes necessary to study his understanding on atonement and salvation within this structure. He saw both atonement and salvation as a process and not as a punctual act. For Bates, the work of Christ in favor of humanity is done in two stages, the first being the forgiveness of sins and the last their purification. The pioneer was not concern in explaining this process of atonement in two stages, because for him salvation and full atonement were an integral part of the great prophetic historical context of the conflict between good and evil. Bates defended the importance of the obedience to God's law, especially in the time of the end, for the process of purification of the character; but he believed that man is saved by grace and not by the obedience to the law.


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How to Cite

ZUKOWSKI, J. C. Joseph Bates on atonement and salvation. Kerygma, Engenheiro coelho (SP), v. 6, n. 2, p. 4–31, 2010. Disponível em: Acesso em: 3 jul. 2024.




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