Values education in hebrew adventist education


  • Cláudio Antônio Hirle Lima


Education, Values, Hebrews, Adventist.


The article aims to show to the relation between the Hebraic education and the adventist education. Considering the universe of available conceptualizations for the definition of the term, it nominates the Comenius concept of education as learning for the life, as the most adjusted to the pedagogical thought debated here. It presents then the Hebraic conception of education as characterized by religiosity, practice and experience, contrasting it, then, with the intellectualistic pedagogy of the Greeks. The clash between these two educational current is emphasized by their opposing anthropological concepts. The questioning to the rational emphasis of the Greeks is supported by authors as Scheler, Hesen and Werneck, which argue the experience as essential element for the apprehension of the value. It is evidenced the historical predominance of the Greek intellectualism in all educational systems of the West, including the confessional ones. The Adventist education finally is presented as rescued of the ancient Hebraic pedagogy. Its pretension is to close the parenthesis of Christian rupture with the philosophy of the Hebrews. Through a proposal Biblical-oriental of integration between theory and practice, secular knowledge and divine knowledge, the Adventist education is presented as current promoter of the Hebrew values that seek to restore educating to its original state


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How to Cite

LIMA, C. A. H. Values education in hebrew adventist education. Kerygma, Engenheiro coelho (SP), v. 7, n. 1, p. 19–38, 2011. Disponível em: Acesso em: 31 mar. 2025.


