
  • Carlos Flavio Teixeira SALT/UNASP-EC
  • Marlon Roberto Varela Texeira



Bible, Genesis, Story of creation, Interpretation methodologies, Perspective


Bible scholars have debated the interpretation of Genesis 1:1-2:3 about the creation of the world for centuries. This discussion, that for a long time has been motivated by exegetical and philosophical attempts of solving controversial points of comprehension, was intensified with the geological and biological hypotheses that arose in the scientific midst, notably since centuries 18 and 19. Such perspectives present different versions about the origins, in relation to the oldest version that understands the seven days in which life was created as having, each one, 24 hours of duration and being, therefore, literal and historical. More than a mere point of difference of opinions, an attentive observation of this overview points out that the main reason of the interpretative divergences can be noticed in the methodological options made by the Scriptures interpreters, a fact that comes out as elementary for the observation and discussion not only of this one, but also of other theological themes.


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How to Cite

TEIXEIRA, C. F.; TEXEIRA, M. R. V. THE HERMENEUTIC METHODOLOGY AS A DETERMINING ELEMENT IN THE INTERPRETATION OF THE BIBLICAL ACCOUNT OF THE CREATION. Kerygma, Engenheiro coelho (SP), v. 14, n. 02, p. 16–28, 2020. DOI: 10.19141/1809-2454.kerygma.v14.n02.p16-28. Disponível em: Acesso em: 6 mar. 2025.

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