The modern ismealites and the christian escathology


  • Carlos Flávio Teixeira


Isrealites, Ismealites, Arab Nation, Islam Nation, Modern Religious Conflicts, Dispensacionalism, Prophetic Zionism


This article gathers biblical, historical and archeological information which
makes possible the realization of plausible evidences about the direct relationship between the nowadays middle eastern people and the ismealite people mentioned in the Bible. Starting on the etymologic study of the term, and showing the genealogy of these people, their development on the history of the Middle East is presented. Thereby, one can show who are the ismealites today and the relation of this people with the great ethnical arab and islamic nation. Finally, this work aims to highlight the reality of the historical hatred nourished between arabs and israelites, which now is worsened by the dispensacionalist evangelical escathology. This paper also points out how this theological line relates the ismealites o the christian escathology when they are considered a potential obstacle to the political and religious restoration of the old ethnic-national Israel, which supposedly would accept the Messiah fulfilling the old testamentary restoration prophecies.


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How to Cite

TEIXEIRA, C. F. The modern ismealites and the christian escathology. Kerygma, Engenheiro coelho (SP), v. 8, n. 2, p. 13–42, 2012. Disponível em: Acesso em: 31 mar. 2025.


