A preciosa mensagem de 1888


  • Jean Zukowski


Minneapólis, 1888, Conferência Geral, Adventismo


Dentre as datas que recebem destaques na história da igreja adventista está 1888. Neste ano aconteceu a reunião da Conferência Geral da Igreja Adventista em Minneapolis. Dentre todos os eventos que marcaram esta reunião destaca-se o fato de Ellen G. White ter afirmado que nesta conferência Deus apresentou “a mais preciosa mensagem” através dos irmãos Waggoner e Jones. Esta declaração de Ellen G. White tem despertado grande interresse nos círculos adventistas levando muitos historiados e teólogos adventistas estudarem os eventos históricos e debate teológico pré e pós conferência tentando entender qual seria esta mensagem. Este artigo pretende analisar qual seria esta “mais preciosa mensagem” e qual sua relevância para os dias atuais, através de um estudo histórico e teológico dos eventos e debates que pautaram a Conferência Geral de 1888 em Minneapolis.


Não há dados estatísticos.


MESSAGE Study Committee; Knight, G. R. A.T. Jones: The man and the message: a book review. Uniontown, Ohio: The 1888 Message Study Committee, 1988.

MESSAGE Study Committee. Encouragement: especially for pastors. Berrien Springs, MI: 1888 Message Study Committee, [19--].

______. Adventism Triumphant. Journal of the 1888 Message Study

Committee, v. 1, n. 1, 1990.

______. Good News Triumphant. Journal of the 1888 Message Study

Committee. v. 3, n. 2, 1992.

______. The 1888 Message Study Committee who why? Paris, Ohio: 1888 Message Study Committee, 1994a.

______. A brief, simple heart-response to recent firm foundation articles. Paris, Ohio: 1888 Message Study Committee, 1994b.

MESSAGE study committee. Walla Walla Soul-Winning conference: it’s time for a new pentacost. Paris, Ohio: 1888 Message Study Committee, 1994.

MESSAGE Study Committee. What is the 1888 message? Is it biblical? an answer to inquiries. Berrien Springs, MI: The 1888 Message Study Committee, 1999.

ANDREWS, J. N. The Three Messages of Revelation 14: 6–12, particularly the third angel’s message, and two-horned beast. Nashville: Southern Publishing Association, 1970.

BLANK, R. H.; WHITE, E. G; 1888 MESSAGE Study Committee. How many times did Ellen G. White endorse the message of Jones and Waggoner from 1888–1896? Berrien Springs: 1888 Message Study committee, 1998.

DAMSTEEGT, P. G. Development of the Seventh-Day Adventist theology: an outline. Berrien Springs: Christian Heritage Media, 1995.

GELI, P. The 1888 message: rejected or accepted? Andrews University, 1969. (Artigo não publicado)

HUDSON, A. L. The 1888 message according to Ellen G. White compiled by A.L. Hudson. Baker: Adventist Forum Association, 1987.

KNIGHT, G. R. A user friendly guide to the 1888 Message. Hagerstown: Review and Herald Publishing Association, 1998.

McMahon , D. P.; Waggoner , E. J. The Myth and the Man. Present Truth

Magazine. [s. d.] Disponível em: http://www.presenttruthmag.com/7dayadventist/Waggoner/index.html. Acesso em: Mar. 17 2005.

PLUMMER, R. J. The 1888 message: accepted or rejected? Andrews University, 1970. (Artigo não publicado).

SEQUEIRA, J. The 1888 Message of Righteousness by Faith as Taught by E. J. Waggoner and A. T. Jones. Andrews University, 1971. (Artigo não publicado).

SHORT, D. K.; 1888 MESSAGE Study Committee. Let history speak: a review of current proceedings in the Seventh-Day Adventist Church growing out of the primacy of the Gospel Committee Meetings, and their official report to Church Administration Relative to the 1888 General Conference and the 1888 Message. Berrien Springs: The 1888 Message Study Committee, 2001.

VAN DENBURGH, D. A. The 1888 Message of Jones & Waggoner. Andrews University, 1972. (Artigo não publicado).

WAGGONER, E. J.; JOSEPH, R. Christ and his righteousness. Berrien Springs: Glad Tidings Publishers, 1999.

WHITE, E. G. Repentance the Gift of God. Review and Herald. Battle Creek, v. 67 Abr., 1890.

______. Parábolas de Jesus. Tatuí: Casa Publicadora Brasileira, 1986.

______. Mensagens escolhidas. Tatuí: Casa Publicadora Brasileira, 2008. v. 1.

______. Testemunhos para ministros e obreiros: selecionado de Testemunhos especiais para ministros e obreiros. Tatuí: Casa Publicadora Brasileira, 2002.

______. Patriarcas e profetas. Tatuí: Casa Publicadora Brasileira, 2009.

______. Eventos finais. Tatuí: Casa Publicadora Brasileira, 2006.

______. 1888 Sermons. Brushton: TEACH Services, 2000a.

______. O Desejado de todas as nações. Tatuí: Casa Publicadora Brasileira, 2000b.

______. Primeiros escritos. Tatuí: Casa Publicadora Brasileira, 1976.

______. Evangelismo. Tatuí: Casa Publicadora Brasileira, 1997.

______. Peter’s Counsel to Parents. Hagerstown: Review and Herald, 1981.

WHITE, E. G.; Ellen G. White Estate Inc. The Ellen G. White 1888 materials: letters, manuscripts, articles, and sermons relating to the 1888 Minneapolis General Conference. Washington: Ellen G. White Estate, 1987. v. 1.

WHITE, E. G.; Ellen G. White Estate Inc. The Ellen G. White 1888 materials: letters, manuscripts, articles, and sermons relating to the 1888 Minneapolis General Conference. Washington: Ellen G. White Estate, 1987. v. 2.

WHITE, E. G.; Ellen G. White Estate Inc. The Ellen G. White 1888 materials: letters, manuscripts, articles, and sermons relating to the 1888 Minneapolis General Conference. Washington: Ellen G. White Estate, 1987. v. 3.

WIELAND, Robert J. An introduction to the 1888 message itself: as reproduced from the available writings of Jones and Waggoner. Baker: Adventist Forum Association, 1976.

______. Lightened with his glory: questions and answers about the 1888 message. Paris, Ohio: Glad Tidings, 1991.

______. Corporate repentance: plea of the true witness. Paris, Ohio: Glad Tidings, 1992.

______. The 1888 message: an introduction. Paris, Ohio: Glad Tidings Publishers, 1997.

WIELAND, R. J.; 1888 Message Study Committee. 1888 Made easy. Paris, Ohio: 1888 Message Study Committee, [19--].

______. The Good News is better than you think. Paris, Oh.: The Glad Tidings, 1990.

______. Is beyond belief beyond belief? Paris, Ohio: 1888 Message Study Committee, 1994.

______. I’m confused! Berrien Springs: 1888 Message Study Committee, 1998.

______. Dial Daily Bread. 1888 Message, 2000. Disponível em:

http://www.andrews.edu/library/jrnlctrl.cgi? http://1888message.org/dailybread. Acesso em: Jan. 30 2001

WIELAND, R. J.; SHORT, D. K. 1888 Re-examined: 1888–1988, the story of a century of confrontation between God and his people. Ohio: 1888 Message Srudy Committee, 1987.

WOHLBERG, S. The 1888 message for the year 2000: preparing the world for the soon return of Jesus. Boise, Idaho: Pacific Press Pub. Association, 1995.

SEVENTH-DAY Adventist Bible Commentary. Hagerstown: Review and Herald, 1953. v. 5.




Como Citar

ZUKOWSKI, J. A preciosa mensagem de 1888. Kerygma, Engenheiro coelho (SP), v. 7, n. 2, p. 13–42, 2011. Disponível em: https://revistas.unasp.edu.br/kerygma/article/view/137. Acesso em: 12 mar. 2025.


