Experience and philosophy: the classroom mycelial network


  • Geverton Felipe Köhnlein Colégio Luterano Concórdia, Rio Grande do Sul. Escola Vinícius de Morais, Porto Alegre


Philosophy, Education, Fungi, Mycelium


What are the possibilities for fungi to teach us about their world and for us, teachers, to put this teaching into practice in the classroom? Based on this question, this article proposes to build mycelial networks within the classroom. In this case, this network was already created throughout the year 2022. The experiences mentioned here were produced in the encounter between a mycorrhizal network between teacher and students. In addition, several spores were released, demonstrating the conceptual connections between theory and practice. The process can be seen as a kind of microrhizic teacher, a concept created to designate the potent forces that are woven together with the plant-students. Mycorrhizal fungi exchange nutrients between plants and both are strengthened in this connection. As in the world of botany, in education there is also this exchange between teachers and students. Therefore, to spread these events is to be close to the mushrooms, which contribute to the continuation of the mycelial network.


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Author Biography

Geverton Felipe Köhnlein, Colégio Luterano Concórdia, Rio Grande do Sul. Escola Vinícius de Morais, Porto Alegre

 Doutorando do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Filosofia pela Universidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos - UNISINOS, Rio Grande do Sul, (Brasil). Professor de filosofia e sociologia do Colégio Luterano Concórdia, Rio Grande do Sul. Professor de Filosofia, Sociologia e Culturas Religiosas da Escola Vinícius de Morais, Porto Alegre.


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How to Cite

KÖHNLEIN, G. F. Experience and philosophy: the classroom mycelial network. Journal of Docent Discunt, Engenheiro coelho (SP), v. 4, p. e01576, 2023. Disponível em: https://revistas.unasp.edu.br/rdd/article/view/1576. Acesso em: 3 jul. 2024.