About the Journal

Emphasis and Scope

Docent Discunt Journal (RDD) is a six-monthly journal published by the Professional Education Master's Course of the Adventist University Center of São Paulo (Unasp) and has the mission to promote scientific knowledge in education, didactics, and correlated areas in order to expand reflection and educational practice through original papers of the area or that dialogue with the educational field spheres. The journal's intention is to foster the knowledge dissemination in the educational context and its nuances, focusing on the master's program lines of research: training of teachers and educational administrators

The journal's title makes reference to Seneca the Younger's phrase "Homines dum docent discunt" (Men learn while they teach) in the book Epistulae Morales ad Lucilium VII, 8. This maxim ponders on the human learning that never ends because even the teacher - who teaches others - keeps learning. On the other hand, it is a way to indicate that sometimes the best way to learn something is to teach. As education professionals, we understand that teachers training and educational administration go through the integration of several tools and strategies that reinforce the utmost purpose of the whole education process: mutual and collaborative learning.

The articles must be original, from national or foreign authors, and written in Portuguese, English or Spanish. The authors must follow the rules and guidelines of the journal to submit articles.


Peer Review Process

In addition to the rules related to originality, theme focus, and submittal, checked on the beginning of the process by the team of editors and Unaspress professionals, Docent Discunt Journal follows the double-blind peer review policy. This implies that each article is read and analyzed by at least two doctors of the Education area. These peer reviewers - that are always external to Unasp (institution that publishes RDD) - will be invited by the journal's editorial team, that will care about total adherence between the peer reviewers' acting areas and the area of the article to be evaluated. The peer reviewers will follow the steps preset by the journal and publicly available in our website, so that the review can be the fairest possible. This appraisal process can take from six months to one year and must be consulted only via this website.



Unasp's Docent Discunt Journal is published every six months, with two numbers per volume: the first number is published in June and the second one in December. The journal's publishing happens exclusively in electronic format - through the website <https://revistas.unasp.edu.br/rdd> with public and free access.


Free Access Policy

 This journal offers free immediate access to its content, following the principle that freely making available scientific knowledge to the public provides more global democratization of knowledge. Thus, it is under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License (that allows the sharing of the paper with recognition of authorship and initial publishing in this journal). If you need any further information about copyright, get in touch with us through the following email address: editora.unaspress@ucb.org.br.



 There are no fee charges for article submittal, evaluation, translation, revision or publication.



 Our thanks to Adventist University Center of São Paulo (Unasp), campus Engenheiro Coelho, that besides being our home, is also our financial and content maintainer.

 Adventist University Center of São Paulo (Unasp)


Ethics in Scientific Production

RDD commits to maintain originality and ethics standards in the editorial process. Therefore, to ensure quality and scientific preservation of the articles, the following aspects guide the ethics of this journal's scientific production:

- use of the Plagius software - Plagiarism Detector, version 2.4.37058.29 to verify plagiarism;

- frauds investigation in articles publication and taking applicable actions, such as notification and suspension of the publication;

- secrecy with data described in the article.



Docent Discunt Journal is published based on a consistent planning with A4 stratum, according to Capes' guidelines.