Governance policy

Editorial Committee

The Editorial Board is made up of a group of researchers – professors and scholars - from different national and international teaching and research institutions, with representation in the scientific community. The Editorial Board does not necessarily act collectively. There are no forecast of periodic meetings with specific guidelines. There are no formal links between the members of the Board and the legal entity responsible for publishing the journal.

Members are responsible for giving their opinion on issues that involve the improvement of Editorial Policies, appointing referees, publicizing the journal, thinking about action and innovation strategies in the academic and professional environment, and dealing with ethical issues when triggered.

The Editorial Board does not interfere with the editorial process, however, it can be called by the editors for deliberations that involve strategic and/or operational issues. It acts to maintain the scientific level, rigor, and reliability necessary to underpin the credibility of a scientific journal.

Scientific Committee

Its objective is to foster the scientific level, rigor, and reliability of the editorial process, a fact that, consequently, guarantees the credibility of publications. It must also be committed to ethics and to the indexing criteria on acknowledged bases, and also seeks institutional and financial support for maintaining the journal.

Its members act individually and, if necessary, collectively to reflect on editorial policies and procedures.

The editors direct the Committee and can request individual or collective contributions by scheduling a meeting.

A meeting can also be requested to address issues involving the structure and development of this journal. The Committee may indicate themes for special editions/dossiers.

The Scientific Committee does not interfere with the editorial process.


The editors are responsible for publishing the journal in technical and scientific terms. They have a support team for administrative routine issues involving the editorial process. The journal's editorial porcess is carried out by an electronic system, a fact that makes the process impersonal and transparent as stated in the publishing process provided by the Open Journal System (OJS) platform.

The responsibilities of the editors are: (i) to evaluate the manuscripts in advance - desk reject - including the adoption of the submission rules by the author(s); (ii) referral to reviewers; (iii) referral to review; and (iv) publication of approved manuscripts.

The editors coordinate the actions of the Scientific Committee and work together with the Editorial Board in order to reflect on the strategic issues of this journal.