Motivational factors for religiosity among resident and non-resident academy adventists students at Unasp, Campus Engenheiro Coelho (SP)


  • Gilmar Kefler


Adventist teenagers, Unasp, resident student, non-resident student, motivation, religiosity.


This research aimed to answer three questions: (1) what are the factors that motivates religiosity among teenagers? (2) Is there a guiding method that would be efficient in motivating teenagers in relation to religious matters? (3) Does the experience of being a student living in a board academy, such as the Unasp Academy, make a difference for the spirituality of an Adventist teenager? 170 resident and non-resident Unasp Academy students, at Campus Engenheiro Coelho (SP), were interviewed. The results showed that, contrary to working hypothesis of this research, the factors that motivate teenagers the most were not friends or music, but rather the student own personal desire and religious satisfaction. The conclusion reached is that religiosity is an innate factor, and many of them possess higher religious standards than adults, although they may be very often misunderstood. What is important is that a teenager should be taken as he is, and be given more space and freedom to express his or her ideas and more opportunity to participate.


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How to Cite

KEFLER, G. Motivational factors for religiosity among resident and non-resident academy adventists students at Unasp, Campus Engenheiro Coelho (SP). Kerygma, Engenheiro coelho (SP), v. 2, n. 2, p. 38, 2006. Disponível em: Acesso em: 3 jul. 2024.



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