The ethic of the good Christian death: A proposal in the light of adventist antropology


  • Klaudinei Luis Engelmann


Euthanasia, Bioethics, Christian Ethics, Anthropology, Adventist.


No other commandment has been discussed so extensively today
as the sixth commandment. Within the themes related to this commandment
there is a discussion about the ethics of euthanasia. This article approaches
such a theme in the light of the post-modern society that seems to have no time to spend with those who are considered “to be a burden” to society. Before
starting the analysis of the morality of euthanasia, the research presented a
review of the most common technical expressions used in this discussion. In the
sequence, a number of considerations are built concerning the theme from an
Ethical Christian perspective. In quest for satisfactory answers to the problem,
the theme of the Adventist concept of “human being” was added to the themes
usual to the debate, as an essential feature from which the question can be
elucidated. Before coming to the conclusion, a brief exposition was undertook
about “the good Christian death” and the obligation of the church, as a
congregation, toward those in need and without perspective of cure.


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How to Cite

ENGELMANN, K. L. The ethic of the good Christian death: A proposal in the light of adventist antropology. Kerygma, Engenheiro coelho (SP), v. 3, n. 2, p. 55–67, 2007. Disponível em: Acesso em: 3 jul. 2024.


