Martin luther and the justice of god: a theological essay based on the biography of the reformer


  • Wilhelm Wachholz Escola Superior de Teologia – EST, Rio Grande do Sul, (Brasil)



Luther, Reformation, Biography, Theology


The essay examines Martin Luther’s theology through his personal journey and the medieval context, highlighting a religiosity shaped by merit-based practices mediated by the Church. Immersed in this system, Luther experienced a spiritual crisis that led him to rediscover the “justice of God” as a gracious gift accessible through faith. His critique of the “mathematics of salvation” rejects religious self-referentiality and proposes a faith centered on grace and Christian freedom. Beyond questioning the theological use of power, Luther advocated for a theology that restores God in His fullness of grace and justice. The essay argues that this legacy remains relevant, offering insightful reflections on ethics, spirituality, and society.


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Author Biography

Wilhelm Wachholz, Escola Superior de Teologia – EST, Rio Grande do Sul, (Brasil)

Doutorado em Teologia pela Escola Superior de Teologia.Professor e reitor da Escola Superior de Teologia – EST, Rio Grande do Sul, (Brasil). Membro do Global Network Research Center for Theology Religious and Christian Studies e Presidente da CEOL (Comissão Editorial Obras de Martinho Lutero).


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How to Cite

WACHHOLZ, W. Martin luther and the justice of god: a theological essay based on the biography of the reformer. Kerygma, Engenheiro coelho (SP), v. 19, n. 1, p. e1664, 2024. DOI: 10.19141/1809-2454.kerygma.v19.n1.pe1664. Disponível em: Acesso em: 26 mar. 2025.