The foundations of samuel ramos' eschatology
Eschatology, Adventism, Apocalypse, DanielAbstract
This is a study on the fundamentals of the eschatology adopted by Samuel Ramos with the purpose of understanding the nature of the prophetic theology defended by the author. The methodology used for this purpose is based on the comparison of quotations by Ramos with a set of references extracted from sources published by the Seventh-day Adventist Church, such as the Handbook of Seventh-Day Adventist Theology and the Darcom Series, published by the “Daniel and Revelation Committee” (in English DARCOM, known in Portuguese as “Sanctuary and Apocalyptic Prophecies”, in an edition of Unaspress), of the General Association of the Adventist Church, in addition to authors of hermeneutical relevance in the Adventist environment, such as Gerhard Hasel, Jon Paulien, and e Ranko Stefanovic. From this perspective, details of this author's official website, videos published on YouTube, the 1987 monograph, which despite the chronological distance, is relevant in the sense of the historical reconstruction of the author's theological mentality, and the three volumes on the book of Revelation, with the two volumes on the book of Daniel, all authored by him, will be analyzed.
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