The "illogiticity" to obey god: reflections on obedience and value of life from the sacrifice of Isaac


  • Adolfo S. Suárez


Pedagogy, Sacrifice, Illogicality, Obedience.


As human beings, accustomed to the logic of things and situations, the divine
command to Abraham to sacrifice his son Isaac seems totally illogical and unreasonable. I wonder, then: There was no logic in attitude and command of God that "mutilates" Abraham and Isaac in order to rescue and strengthen the faith of the patriarch and, consequently, of his followers through all time? There would be no logic in attitude and command of God that "mutilates" Abraham and Isaac in order to show the risks and benefits of obedience? There would be no logic in attitude and command of God that "mutilates" Abraham and Isaac in order to show you and instill in him the value of life? I think so. If so, we have a wonderful teaching picture, which shows the complexity of the Christian God. Complexity, but not "illogicality".


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How to Cite

SUÁREZ, A. S. The "illogiticity" to obey god: reflections on obedience and value of life from the sacrifice of Isaac. Kerygma, Engenheiro coelho (SP), v. 7, n. 1, p. 2–10, 2011. Disponível em: Acesso em: 31 mar. 2025.


