Adventist Lifestyle and Health Social Determinants: An Exploratory Study
Healthy Lifestyle, Social Determinants of Health, Health Vulnerability, Religion and Science, Faith-Based OrganizationsAbstract
Abstract: Seventh-day Adventists (SDA) have been focused on studies related to health, mainly due to their lifestyle based on the eight laws of health (8LH): nutrition, exercise, water, sunlight, temperance, pure air, rest, and trust. When compared to non-Adventists they present good health results. However, when compared with each other, sociodemographic and cultural elements influence the health-disease process.
Objective: To analyze the lifestyle based on the 8LH by SDA living in Manaus, AM, Brazil, and its relation with health social determinants (HSD).
Methodology: We use a descriptive, quantitative, and transversal approach. Eighty-six participants answered two questionnaires (8LH and HSD). We used descriptive and inferential statistics to analyze the data. The level of significance assumed was p<0.05.
Results: The means related to the 8LH scores and their areas were positive. However, we could see differences between the following groups for certain vulnerabilities: men were more vulnerable regarding nutrition; and the social and community networks around faith, age, and educational level can contribute to the use of the 8LH and several areas.
Conclusion: The variables sex, time of baptism, distance from faith (social and community networks), age, and educational level interfered to some degree with the use of the 8LH. We highlight the need to consider the HSD that might influence the adoption of healthier habits, demanding the construction of public policies that reduce socially-produced inequalities.
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