


Soteriology, Pentateuch, Salvation, Torah


The term "soteriology" is a technical term for the study of salvation. Such a study is generally regarded as something vast, due to the plurality of contexts to which the term can be applied, as in a secular and political sense, for example. In the Christian sphere, the term is inevitably related to Christ and his mission. Through this broad perception which embraces the theme, the present work seeks to analyze, briefly and briefly, how the theme of soteriology is defined and developed in the first five books of the Bible, keeping in mind its importance for the development of the soteriological conception of the rest of Scripture and for Theology as a whole. For this purpose, an analysis of the occurrences of terms from the semantic field of soteriology has been carried out in each of the books that make up Tôrāh, based on the descriptors exposed by Blazen (2011). It is, therefore, a research of documental analysis, based on the concepts extracted from a previous bibliographical review. After analyzing this material, as presented above, it is noted that the books that compose Tôrāh present a linear and progressive theological development, regarding the soteriological theme, where each book approaches one or more concepts in a more emphatic way.


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Author Biographies

Eliathan Carvalho Leite, UNASP - Centro Universitário Adventista de São Paulo

Mestrando em Teoria Literária pela Universidade Estadual de Campinas (UNICAMP), com bolsa CNPq. Graduado em Teologia pela Universidade Adventista de São Paulo (UNASP-EC) e Letras - Português, pela mesma instituição, com bolsa CAPES - PIBID. Possui interesse e desenvolve pesquisas nas seguintes áreas: Bíblia Hebraica; Teoria Literária; Análise Narrativa da Bíblia Hebraica; Hebraico Bíblico; Religião, Política e Sociedade.

Josué Pereira Corrêa, Centro Universitário Adventista de São Paulo

Graduado em Teologia pela Universidade Adventista de São Paulo (UNASP-EC) e graduando em História pelo Centro Universitário Leonardo da Vinci (UNIASSELVI). Possui interesse e desenvolve pesquisas nas seguintes áreas: História Antiga, Medieval e Moderna; Educação; História da Educação; Teoria Narrativa; História da Religião; Filosofia da Religião; Religião, Política e Sociedade.


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How to Cite

CARVALHO LEITE, E.; PEREIRA CORRÊA, J. SOTERIOLOGICAL DEVELOPMENT IN THE TORAH. Kerygma, Engenheiro coelho (SP), v. 16, n. 1, p. 65–78, 2021. DOI: 10.19141/1809-2454.kerygma.v16.n1.p65-78. Disponível em: Acesso em: 31 mar. 2025.

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