
  • Carmelo Martines Centro Universitário Adventista de São Paulo (Unasp)


La investigación pretende presentar un estudio diacrónico del concepto de “remanente” en los escritos de Elena G. de White. Dada la actual discusión sobre el tema, su aporte es importante para corregir y evaluar las diversas posturas que se exponen.


Palabras claves: Remanente; Elena G. de White; Teología adventista.


Resumo: Este artigo apresenta um estudo diacrônico do conceito de “remanescente” nos escritos de Ellen G. White. Dada a atual discussão sobre o tema, sua contribuição é importante para corrigir e avaliar as diversas posturas expostas.


Palavras-chaves: Remanescente; Ellen G. White; Teologia adventista.


Não há dados estatísticos.


ANDREWS, J. N. Samuel and the witch of Endor: or, the sin of witchcraft. Nampa: Pacific Press Publishing Company, 1889.

BATTISTONE, J. The Great Controversy Theme in E. G. White Writings. Berrien Springs: Andrews University Press, 1978.

DOUGLASS, H. E. Messenger of the Lord. Nampa: Pacific Press Publishing Association, 1998a.

. Elena White y la teología adventista. Dialogo Universitario, v. 10, n. 1, p. 13-15, 19, 1998b.

EDSON, H. The Time of the Gentiles. Review and Herald, v. 7, n. 21, p. 162-163, 1856.

GORDON, P. A. Elena de White, su autoridad profética, y el desarrollo doctrinal de la Iglesia Adventista. Entre Ríos: Colegio Adventista Del Plata, Centro de Investigaciones White, 1990.

GRAYBILL, R. Ellen White’s Role in Doctrine Formation. Ministry, p. 7-8, 1981.

HAMMILL, R. Spiritual Gifts in the Church today. Ministry, p. 15, 1982.

HANSON, A. T. The pioner ministry. Philadelphia: The Westminster Press, 1961.

JEMISON, T. H. A prophet among you. Mountain View: Pacific Press Publishing Association, 1955.

JONES, E. A. T. The Third Angel’s Message- N 3. General Conference Daily Bulletin, v. 5,n. 3, p. 68, 1893a.

. The great nations of today. Battle Creek: Review and Herald Publishing Co., 1901.

. The Third Angel’s Message- N 8. General Conference Daily Bulletin, v. 5, n. 6, p. 164-170, 1893b.

KNIGHT, G. R. Angry saints. Washington: Review and Herald Publishing Association, 1989.

. Anticipating the Advent: A Brief History of Seventh-Day Adventists. Mountain View: Pacific Press Publishing Association, 1993.

. From 1888 to apostasy: The Case of A. T. Jones. Washington: Review and Herald Publishing Association, 1987.

MAHONEY, C. K. The Doctrine of the Remnant. Religion in life, v. 17, n . 3, 1947.

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NEUFFER, J. The Gathering of Israel. Ministry, p. 1-40, 1971.

OLSON, A. V. Thirteen crisis years. edic. rev. Washington: Review and Herald Publishing Association, 1981.

ROWLEY, H. H. The unity of the Bible. Philadelphia: The Westminster Press, 1953.

SCHWARZ, R. Light bearers: A history of Seventh-day Adventist Church. Nampa: Pacific Press Publishing Association, 1995.

. John Harvey Kellogg M. D. Nashville: Southern Publishing Association, 1970.

WALLENKAMPF, A. V. What every adventist should know about 1888. Washington: Review and Herald Publishing Association, 1988.

WHITE, A. L. Ellen G. White: the Australian years 1891-1900. 1. ed. Washington: Review and Herald, 1983. v. 4.

. Elena G. White: Mensajera de la Iglesia Remanente. 1. ed. Washington : Junta de los Fideicomisarios de las publicaciones de Helena G. de White, 1956.

. Ellen G. White: the early elmshaven years 1900. 1. ed. Washington: Review and Herald, 1981. v. 5.

. Ellen G. White: the early years 1827- 1862. 1. ed. Washington: Review and Herald, 1985a. v. 1.

. Ellen G. White: the lonely years 1876-1891. 1. ed. Washington: Review and Herald, 1984. v. 3.

. Ellen White. 1. ed. Washington: Review and Herald , 1985b. v. 6.

. Ellen G. White Messenger to the Remnant. Washington: Review and Herald Publishing Association, 1969.

WHITE, E. G. A personal Appeal to Every Believer. Review and Herald, v. 80, n. 15, p. 8-9, 1903.

. The Return of the Exiles -N 9. Joshua and the Angel (Concluded)”, Review and Herald, 9 enero 1908,

. A Present Help in Every Time of Trouble. Review and Herald, v. 78, n. 29, p. 451, 1901.

. A Solemn Appeal. Signs of the Times, n. 44, p. 519, 1883.

. An Address in Regard to Sunday Movement. Review and Herald, p.2-3, 1889.

. Be Zealous and Repent. Review and Herald, v.67, n. 50, p. 785, 1890.

. Character of the last Conflict. Review and Herald, v. 73, n. 15, p. 225, 1896b.

. Christ Our Sacrifice. Review and Herald, v. 63, n. 38, p. 593, 1886.

. Christ the Center of the Message. Review and Herald, v. 71, n. 12, p. 177-178, 1894c.

. Counsels to Writers and Editors. Nashville: Southern Publishing Association, 1946.

. Defying God. Review and Herald, v. 90, n. 30, p. 3, 1913.

. El Conflicto de los siglos. 10. ed. Mountain View: Pacific Press Publishing Association, 1977a.

. Evangelism. reimp. Washington: Review and Herald Publishing Association, 1970, p. 179.

. Faithfulness in Health Reform. Review and Herald, v. 87,n.9, p. 7-8, 24, 1910a.

. God’s Desire for his People. Review and Herald, v. 86, n. 34, p. 9, 1909.

. God’s Law Immutable. Signs of the Times, n. 11, p. 166-167, 1896a.

. God’s Standard of Character. Review and Herald, v. 75, n. 18, p. 277, 1898.

. Harmony with the Apostate Powers a Sign of Emmity to God (concluded). Signs of the Times, n. 32, p. 500-501, 1894b.

. Hope for the Heathen (Concluded). Review and Herald, v. 92, n. 3, p. 3, 1915.

. Humility and Faithfulness in Laborers. Review and Herald, v. 61, n. 15, p.225, 1884.

. Let the Trumpet Give a Certain Sound. Review and Herald, v. 69, n. 48, p. 753, 1892.

. Los Hechos de los Apóstoles. Buenos Aires: Asociación Casa Editora Sudamericana, 1977c.

. Manuscript releases. 1. ed. Silver Springs: Ellen G. White Estate, 1990a. v. 5.

. Manuscript Releases. Silver Spring: Ellen G. White Estate, 1990b. v. 3.

. Mensajes Selectos. Mountain View: Pacific Press Publishing Association, 1966. v. 1.

. Mensajes selectos. Washington: Ellen G. White Estate, 2000. v. 3.

. Notas biográficas de Elena G. de White. Buenos Aires: Asociación Casa Editora Sudamericana, 1995.

. Our Present Position. Review and Herald, v. 60, n. 35, p. 545, 1883.

. Our Work. Review and Herald, v. 81, n. 25, p. 8, 1904a.

. Preparation for the Testing-Time. Signs of the Times, n. 16, p. 241-242, 1889.

. Primeiros escritos. Mountain View: Pacific Press Publishing Association, 1962.

. Return of the Exiles – Nº 14. A Revival and Reformation (Concluded). Review and Herald, v. 85, n. 9, p. 8, 1908c.

. Romanism the Religion of Human Nature. Signs of the Times, n. 16, p. 243-244, 1894a.

. Serve the Lord whit Gladness. Signs of the Times, n. 5, p. 65, 1888a.

. Special Testimonies. Serie B, n. 2, pág. 51-59, 1904.

. Spirit of Prophecy. Battle Creek: Review and Herald Publishing Co., 1884. v. 4.

. Spiritual Gifts. Battle Creek: Steam Press of the Seventh-day Adventist Press Association, 1864. v. 3 e 4.

. Testimonies for the church. Mountain View : Pacific Press Publishing Association, 1948d. v. 6.

. Testimonies for the church. Mountain View : Pacific Press Publishing Association, 1948f. v. 9.

. Testimonies for the Church. Mountain View: Pacific Press Publishing Association, 1948a. v. 1.

. Testimonio para los Ministros. 2 ed., rev. y aum.Buenos Aires: Asociación Casa Editora Sudamericana, 1977b.

. Testimonios para los ministros. Florida: Associação Casa Editora Sudamericana, 1979.

. The Final Test of God’s People. Signs of the Times, n. 37, p. 119, 1910b.

. The First Prophecy. Review and Herald, v. 59, n. 29, p. 449, 1882.

. The Great Controversy. Mountain View: Pacific Press Publishing Association, 1950a.

. The Power of the Word of God. Review and Herald,v. 81,n. 45, p. 7, 1904b.

. The Remnant Church Not Babylon. Review and Herald, v. 70, n. 34, p. 530, 1893.

. The Remnant Church. Mountain View: Pacific Press Publishing Association, 1950b.

. The return of the exiles Nº 11- In the Days of Queen Esther. Review and Herald, v. 85, n. 4, p. 8, 1908b.

. The Return of the Exiles- Nº9. Joshua and the Angel (Concluded). Review and Herald, v. 85, n. 2, p. 8, 1908a.

.Testimonies for the Church. Mountain View: Pacific Press Publishing Association, 1948b. v. 5. p. 295.

. Testimonies for the Church. Mountain View: Pacific Press Publishing Association, 1948c. v. 3. p. 572.

. Testimonies for the Church. Mountain View: Pacific Press Publishing Association, 1948e. v. 2.

.A Present Help in Every Time of Trouble. Review and Herald, v. 78, n. 29, p. 451, 1901.

. Satan’s Malignity against Christ and his people (concluded). Review and Herald, v. 72, n. 44, p. 690, 1895.

. Some Shall Depart from the Faith. Review and Herald, v. 65, n. 19, p. 19, 1888b.

. The Goal of God- N 2. Signs of the Times, n. 45, p. 722-723 , 1899.

WHITE, J. S. Power of Example. Review and Herald, v. 18, n. 5, p. 37-39, 1861.

. Communications. Review and Herald, v. 7, n. 20, p. 158, 1856.

. Do we discard the Bible by endorsing the Visions?. Review and Herald, v. 21, n. 7, p. 52, 1863.

. Gifts of the gospel church. Review and Herald, v. 6, n. 8, p. 60, 1854.

. Our use of the visions of Sr. White. Review and Herald, v. 35, n. 8 y 9, p. 64-65 , 1870.

. To the Remnant Scattered Abroad. Review and Herald, v. 2, n. 1, p. 2-3, 1851.

. A Sketch of the Christian Experience and Views of Ellen G. White. Advent Source Collection, 1851.

. Supplement to the Christian Experience and Views of Ellen G. White. Advent Source Collection, 1854.

.; BATES, J.; WHITE, E. G. A word to the little flock. Ringgold: TEACH Services, Inc., 2005.



Como Citar

MARTINES, C. EL CONCEPTO DE REMANENTE EN ELENA G. DE WHITE. Kerygma, Engenheiro coelho (SP), v. 11, n. 1, p. 55–72, 2016. Disponível em: https://revistas.unasp.edu.br/kerygma/article/view/692. Acesso em: 29 mar. 2025.


