Desmond ford e a doutrina do santuário: análise comparativa de duas fases distintas


  • Glauber S. Araújo


Daniel, Santuário, Hebreus, Juízo Investigativo, Ellen G. White.


Desde Glacier View, em 1980, uma quantidade considerável de literatura relacionada às profecias de Daniel, o santuário, Hebreus, o juízo investigativo e temas correlacionados tem sido publicada por adventistas em busca de refutações às idéias apresentadas por Desmond Ford nesse evento. Embora isso tenha sido feito, não foi encontrado um estudo mostrando que suas idéias eram revogadas pelo próprio Ford anos antes. O propósito deste estudo foi prover uma análise comparativa das idéias de Desmond Ford durante as reuniões em Glacier View com suas idéias antes desse evento, a fim de mostrar que muitas das idéias expostas naquela ocasião podem ser refutadas através de seus próprios argumentos publicados previamente. Após uma análise das críticas de Ford relacionadas à (1) interpretação profética, (2) o juízo investigativo e (3) Ellen G. White e o dom profético, são providos argumentos publicados anteriormente por Ford contra suas críticas. Esse estudo está primariamente baseado em livros, artigos e outras obras de Desmond Ford.


Não há dados estatísticos.



Ford, Desmond. Abomination of Desolation in Biblical Eschatology. Lanham: University Press of America, 1978.

_________. A Kaleidoscope of Diamonds. Newcastle, CA: Desmond Ford Publications,

_________. Crisis: A Commentary on the Book of Revelation. Newcastle, CA: Desmond Ford Publications, 1982.

_________. laynd. Nashville, TN: Southern Publishing Association, 1978.

_________. Daniel 8:14, the Day of Atonement, and the Investigative Judgment. Casselberry, FL: Euangelion Press, 1980.

_________. Daniel and the Coming King. Rocklin, CA: J & M Printing, 1996.

_________. Discovering God´s Treasures. Washington, DC: Review and Herald Publishing Association, 1972.

_________. Eating Right for Type 2 Diabetes : A Christian Perspective on a Traumatic Disease. Lincon, NE: IUniverse Book Publisher, 2004.

_________. How to Survive Personal Tragedy. Auburn, CA: Good News Unlimited, 1984.

_________. Physicians of the Soul: God's Prophets Through the Ages. Nashville: Southern Pub. Association, 1980.

_________. Right with God Right Now: How God Saves People as Shown in the Bible's Book of Romans. Newcastle, CA: Desmond Ford

Publications, 1999.

_________. The Forgotten Day. Newcastle, CA: Desmond Ford Publications, 1981.

_________. Unlocking God´s Treasury. Waburton, Bict., Australia: Signs Pub. Co., 1964.

_________. The Adventist Crisis of Spiritual Identity. Newcastle, CA: Desmond Ford Publications, 1982.

_________. Will There Be a NUCLEAR World Holocaust? Auburn, CA: Good News Unlimited, 1984.

_________. Worth More than a Million!: What Medical Science and Scripture Say about Immunity to Disease. Auburn, CA: Good News Unlimited, 1984.


“Des Ford”. []. Acessado Março de 2006.

Ford, Desmond. “Arithmetic Proves Christianity True”. The Ministry. Outubro de 1974.

_________. “Best News Ever!” Signs of the Times. Janeiro de 1977.

_________. “Creationism”. Spectrum. Vol.16, n.1, 1985.

_________. “Daniel 8:14 and the Day of Atonement”. Spectrum. Vol.11, n.2, 1980.

_________. “Daniel Eight in the New Testament”. The Ministry. Novembro de 1961.

_________. “Desmond Ford on Adventist Doctrine”. Spectrum. Vol.19, n. 2, 1988.

_________. “Desmond Ford on the Danger of SDAs Joining the Anti-Christ”. Spectrum. Outubro de 1993.

_________. “Dr. Desmond Ford's Reply”. Adventist Today. Setembro-Outubro de 2002.

_________. “Ellen G. White and Righteousness by Faith”. Document from the Palmdale Conference on Justification by Faith.

_________. “Ellen White was Right ‘Increasing Light is to Shine upon us’”. Spectrum. Janeiro 1998.

_________. “Ford Defends Sabbath on a Round World”. Spectrum. Dezembro de 1982.

_________. “Ford's First Reply”. Spectrum. Vol.11, n.2, 1980.

_________. “Ford on God and Creation”. Spectrum. Outubro de 1992.

_________. “Ford Responds”. Spectrum. Dezembro de 1981.

_________. “Ford Responds to Shea”. Spectrum. Vol.11, n.4, 1981.

_________. “Ford's Second Reply”. Spectrum. Vol.11, n.2, 1980.

_________. “From Death to Life”. These Times. Agosto de 1975.

_________. “Good News Bursting Forth”. Spectrum. Março de 1992.

_________. “How Long, O Lord”. The Ministry. Setembro de 1974.

_________. “How to Turn the World Upside Down”. Signs of the Times. ed. Australiana. Junho de 1978.

_________. “How to Understand the End-time Prophecies of the Bible [Review]”. Adventist Today. Julho-Agosto de 1998.

_________. “I Believe in the Righteousness of Christ”. These Times. Outubro de 1977.

_________. “I Believe in the Sacrifice of Jesus Christ”. These Times. Novembro de 1977.

_________. “Ignorance and his Modern Counterparts”. Australasian Record. Maio de 1977.

_________. “Investigative Judgment Forum”. Palestra oferecida em Pacific Union College. 27 de outubro, 1979. Digitado.

_________. “Is the Seventh-Day Sabbath Christian?” Adventist Today. Julho-Agosto de 1996.

_________. “Is your Wheelbarrow Inverted?” Australasian Record. Fevereiro de 1977.

_________. “Jesus Seminar”. Adventist Today. Janeiro-Fevereiro de 1997.

_________. “Letter to a Failure”. Australasian Record. Agosto de 1977.

_________. “Love that Bled at Calvary”. Ministry. Setembro de 1978.

_________. “More Evidence of the Connection Between Daniel 8 and 9”. The Ministry. Julho de 1968.

_________. “NPUC Critics of Ratzlaff Answered”. Adventist Today. Julho-Agosto de 1998.

_________. “Parmenter-Ford Correspondence”. Ministry. Outubro de 1980.

_________. “Paul – Pattern of Perfection”. Australasian Record. Fevereiro de 1978.

_________. “Responding to Paulson on Theological Change”. Spectrum. Vol.14, n. 2, 1983.

_________.“Sabbath in the New Testament”. Adventist Today. Março-Abril de 1997.

_________. Signs of the Times, ed. Australiana. Julho de 1959.

_________. Signs of the Times, ed. Australiana. 1º de Agosto de 1967.

_________. “Sinai’s Three Secrets”. These Times. Outubro de 1973.

_________. “Some Reflections on the Investigative Judgment”. The

Ministry. Outubro de 1965.

_________. “The Apocalypse and the Day of Atonement”. The Ministry. Março de 1961.

_________. “The Apocalypse and the Day of Atonement”. The Ministry. Abril de 1961.

_________. “The Dating of the Book of Daniel, Part 1”. The Ministry. Julho de 1973.

_________. “The Dating of the Book of Daniel, Part 2”. The Ministry. Agosto de 1973.

_________. “The Desert Play of Destiny”. These Times. Fevereiro de 1976.

_________. “The ‘Everlasting Gospel’ as Found in ‘The Great Controversy’”. Australasian Record. Outubro de 1977.

_________. “The Everlasting Ten”. Australasian Record. Agosto de 1975.

_________. “The Greatest Book, the Greatest Invitation, the Greatest Opportunity – all Yours!” Signs Of The Times. ed. Australiana. Janeiro de 1978.

_________. “The Lamb is the Hinge”. Ministry. Maio de 1978.

_________. “The Linguistic Connection Between Daniel 8:14 e 11:31”. The Ministry. Dezembro de 1965.

_________. “The one way of salvation”. Não publicado.

_________. “The Sabbath Brinsmead's Polemic”. Spectrum. Setembro de 1981.

_________. “The Truth of Paxton´s Thesis”. Spectrum. Julho de 1978.

_________. “The Two Faces of Redemption”. Australasian Record. Fevereiro de 1975.

_________. “The Valley of Desperation”. Australasian Record. Agosto de 1977.

_________. “Value of Questioning”. Spectrum. Abril de 1982.

_________. “‘What Think ye of Christ?’” These Times. Janeiro de 1977.

Documentos Ford, Desmond. “The Relationship Between the Incarnation and Righteousness by Faith”. Document from the Palmdale Conference on Justification by Faith.

_________. “The Scope and Limits of The Pauline Expression ‘Righteousness by Faith’”. Document from the Palmdale Conference on Justification by Faith.

Teses e Dissertações

Ford, Desmond. The Abomination of Desolation in Biblical Eschatology. Tese de Doutorado, University of Manchester, 1972.

_________. Daniel 8:14 and the Latter Days. Dissertação de M.Th. Potolomac University, Washington, DC, setembro de 1959.

Fontes Secundárias


Adams, Roy. The Sanctuary: Understanding the Heart of Adventist Theology. Hagerstown, MD: Review and Herald, 1993.

Doukhan, Jacques B. Secrets of Daniel. Hagerstown, MD: Review and Herald, 2000.

Francis D. Nichol, ed. “History of the Interpretation of Daniel”. Seventh-day Adventist Bible Commentary. Hagerstown, MD: Review and Herald, 1977. Vol 4.

Froom, LeRoy E. The Prophetic Faith of Our Fathers: The Historical Development of Prophetic Interpretation. vols 3 e 4. Washington, DC: Review and Herald, 1946-1954.

Goldstein, Clifford. 1844 Made Simple. Boise, ID: Pacific Press, 1988.

_________. False Balances: The Truth About the Judgment, the Sanctuary, and Your Salvation. Boise, ID: Pacific Press, 1992.

Graffiti in the Holy of Holies. Nampa ID: Pacific Press, 2004.

_________. How Dare You Judge Us, God. Boise, ID: Pacific Press, 1991.

Gordon, Paul A. The Sanctuary, 1844 and the Pioneers. Nampa, ID: Pacific Press, 2000.

Gulley, Normand. Christ is Coming. Hagerstown, MD: Review and Herald, 1998.

Hardinge, Leslie. With Jess in His Sanctuary: Walk Through the Tabernacle Along His Way. Harrisburg, PA: American Cassette Ministries, 1991.

Holbrook, Frank B., ed. Doctrine of the Sanctuary: A Historical Survey (1845-1863).

Daniel and Revelation Committee Series, vol. 5. Silver Spring, MI: Biblical Research Institute of the General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists, 1989.

_________. Issues in the Book of Hebrews. Daniel and Revelation Committee Series, vol. 4. Silver Spring, MI: Biblical Research Institute of the General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists, 1989.

_________. Symposium on Daniel: Introductory and Exegetical Studies. Daniel and Revelation Committee Series, vol. 2. Washington, DC: Biblical Research Institute of the General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists, 1982.

_________. Symposium on Revelation, Book 1: Introductory and Exegetical Studies. Daniel and Revelation Committee Series, vol. 6. Silver Spring, MI: Biblical Research Institute of the General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists, 1992.

_________. Symposium on Revelation, Book 2: Exegetical and General Studies. Daniel and Revelation Committee Series, vol. 7. Silver Spring, MI: Biblical Research Institute of the General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists, 1992.

_________. The Atoning Priesthood of Jesus Christ. Berrien Springs, MI: Adventist Theological Society Publications, 1996.

_________. The Sanctuary and the Atonement: Biblical, Theological, and Historical Studies. Silver Spring, MI: Biblical Research Institute, 1989.

_________. The Seventy Weeks, Leviticus, and the Nature of Prophecy. Daniel and Revelation Committee Series, vol. 3. Washington, DC: Biblical Research Institute of the General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists, 1986.

Keil, Carl Friedrich. Biblical Commentary on the Book of Daniel. Commentary on the Old Testament. Grand Rapids, MI: William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company, 1975.

LaRondelle, Hans K. How to Understand the End-Time Prophecies of the Bible: The Biblical-Contextual Approach. Sarasota, FL: First Impressions, 1997.

_________. The Israel of God in Prophecy: Principles of Prophetic Interpretation. Berrien Springs, MI: Andrews University Press, 1987.

Maxwell, C. Mervyn. God Cares: The Message of Daniel for you and your Family. 2 vols.

Boise, ID: Pacific Press, 1981, 1985.

_________. Magnificent Disappointment: What Really Happened in 1844… and Its Meaning for Today. Boise, ID: Pacific Press, 1994.

McMahon, David, ed. An Answer to “Conflicting Concepts of Righteousness by Faith in the Seventh-day Adventist Church”. Sydney: Wittenberg Steam Press Pub. Assn., 1976.

Oliveira, Enoch de. A mão de Deus ao leme. Santo André, SP: Casa Publicadora Brasileira, 1985.

Oliveira, Juarez Rodrigues. Chronological Studies Related to Daniel 8:14 and 9:24-27.

Engenheiro Coelho, SP: Imprensa Universitária Adventista, 2004.

Paxton, Geoffrey J., O abalo do adventismo. Rio de Janeiro, RJ: JUERP, 1987.

Pfandl, Gerhard. Daniel: The Seer of Babylon. Hagerstown, MD: Reviews and Herald, 2004.

Price, George McCready. The Greatest of the Prophets: A New Commentary on the Book of Daniel. Mountain View, CA: Pacific Press, 1955.

Spangler, J. R. “Editorial Perspectives”. Ministry, ed. especial, Outubro de 1980.

Schwarz, Richard W. e Floyd Greenleaf. Light Bearers. Nampa, ID: Pacific Press Publishing Association, 2000.

Shea, William H. Daniel: A Reader´s Guide. Nampa, ID: Pacific Press, 2005.

_________. Selected Studies on Prophetic Interpretation. Daniel and Revelation Committee Series, vol. 1. Washington, DC: Biblical Research Institute of the General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists, 1982.

Stefanovic, Ranko. Revelation of Jesus Christ. Berrien Springs, MI: Andrews University Press, 2002.

Timm, Alberto R., Rodor, Amin A. e Dorneles, Vanderlei, eds. O futuro. Engenheiro Coelho, SP: Unaspress, 2004.

Treiyer, Alberto R. The Day of Atonement and the Heavenly Judgment: From the Pentateuch to Revelation. Siloam Springs, AR: Creation Enterprises International, 1992.

Venden, Morris. Good News and Bad News about Judgment. Mountain View, CA: Pacific Press, 1983.

_________. Never Without an Intercessor: the Good News about the Judgment. Boise, ID: Pacific Press, 1996.

White, Ellen G. Atos dos apóstolos (Tatuí, SP: Casa Publicadora Brasileira, 1999).

_________. Desejado de todas as nações (Tatuí, SP: Casa Publicadora Brasileira, 2000).

_________. O grande conflito (Tatuí, SP: Casa Publicadora Brasileira, 2004).

_________. Parábolas de Jesus (Tatuí, SP: Casa Publicadora Brasileira, 2000).

_________. Patriarcas e profetas (Tatuí, SP: Casa Publicadora Brasileira, 1990).

_________. Primeiros escritos (Tatuí, SP: Casa Publicadora Brasileira, 1988).


Timm, Alberto R. Desenvolvimento da doutrina do santuário no contexto do conflito cósmico. Apostila de aula para Doutorado, Argentina: Seminário Adventista Latinoamericano de Teologia, 1997.

Hasel, Gerhard F. Redenção divina hoje. Apostila de aula de Teologia. Brasília-DF: Seminário Adventista Latino-americano de Teologia, 1981.


White, Ellen G. Signs of the Times. April 19, 1905.

_________. Youth’s Instructor. June 21, 1900.

Dissertações e Teses

Adams, Roy. The Sanctuary Doctrine: Three Approaches in the Seventh-day Adventist Church. Andrews University Seminary Doctoral Dissertation Series, vol. 1. Berrien Springs, MI: Andrews University Press, 1981.

Amorim, Nilton D. Desecration and Defilement in the Old Testament. Tese de Ph.D., Andrews University, 1986.

Burt, Merlin D. The Historical Background, Interconnected Development and Integration of the Doctrines of the Sanctuary, the Sabbath, and Ellen G. White's Role in Sabbatarian Adventism from 1844 to 1849. Tese de Ph.D., Andrews University, 2003.

Davidson, Richard M. Typology in Scripture: a Study of Hermeneutical τυπος Structures. Andrews University Seminary Doctoral Dissertation Series, vol. 2. Berrien Springs, MI: Andrews University Press, 1981.

Davis, R. Dean. The Heavenly Court Scene of Revelation 4-5. Tese de Ph.D., Andrews University, 1986.

Ferch, Arthur J. The Son of Man in Daniel 7. Andrews University Seminary Doctoral Dissertation Series, vol. 6. Berrien Springs, MI: Andrews University Press, 1979.

Fredericks, Richard. A Sequential Study of Revelation 1-14 Emphasizing the Judgment Motif : with Implications for Seventh-day Adventist Apocalyptic Pedagogy. Tese de Ph.D., Andrews University, 1987.

Nuñez, Samuel. The Vision of Daniel 8: Interpretations from 1700 to 1800. Andrews University Seminary Doctoral Dissertation Series, vol. 14. Berrien Springs, MI: Andrews University Press, 1987.

Owusu-Antwi, Brempong. The Chronology of Daniel 9:24-27, Adventist Theological Society Dissertation Series, vol. 2. Berrien Springs, MI: Adventist Theological Society Publications, 1995.

Pfandl, Gerhard. The Time of the End in the Book of Daniel. Adventist Theological Society Dissertation Series, vol. 1. Berrien Springs, MI: Adventist Theological Society Publications, 1992.

Rodriguez, Angel M. Substitution in the Hebrew Cultus. Andrews University Seminary Doctoral Dissertation Series, vol. 3. Berrien Springs, MI: Andrews University Press, 1979.

Souza, Elias Brasil de. The Heavenly Sanctuary/Temple Motif in the Hebrew Bible: Function and Relationship to the Earthly Counterparts. Berrien Springs, MI: Adventist Theological Society Publications, 2005.

Timm, Albert R. O santuário e as três mensagens angélicas: Fatores integrativos no desenvolvimento das doutrinas adventistas. Engenheiro Coelho, SP: Imprensa Universitária Adventista, 2002.

Vogel, Winfried. The Cultic Motif in Space and Time in the Book of Daniel. Tese de Ph.D., Andrews University, 1999.




Como Citar

ARAÚJO, G. S. Desmond ford e a doutrina do santuário: análise comparativa de duas fases distintas. Kerygma, Engenheiro coelho (SP), v. 3, n. 1, p. 53, 2007. Disponível em: Acesso em: 12 mar. 2025.



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